


a survey conducted in the 1980s, 42 per cent of people owned up to falling
asleep in church.

While everyone who goes is entitled to a moment of
‘deep rest’ once in a while, it is nothing short of tragic if church is
constantly boring. Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones, the great Welsh preacher, said, “One of the most dangerous places to be
is in the church of the living God.”

There are times, however, when church doesn’t always
live up to what it should be. Søren Kierkegaard, the Danish philosopher, made
this point when he said, “Whereas Jesus
changed water into wine, the church has been able to do something even more
difficult, it has managed to change wine into water.

Church should be an exciting place to be – with the
presence of God and the ‘dunamis’
power of the Holy Spirit in action. May this book, by making you laugh, revive
any nagging fears you have that church is a place to be bored and fall asleep.

  •  “If
    all the people who fall asleep in church were laid end-to-end, they would
    be a lot more comfortable.”
    Abraham Lincoln
  • A young child in church for the first
    time saw a plaque on wall in memory of those who had died in the services.
    As the sermon went on and on he turned to his dad, pointing it out, and
    asked him which did he think they had died in – the 8am or the 10.30am service.

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