


We all love to laugh and even pay to hear people make us do it but God is the one who invented laughter!

Today the laughter industry is massive and it’s not just about television and theatres. The Medical professionals are extolling its virtues and have finally caught up with what a wise man named Solomon said over 3000 years ago in the Bible, “A merry heart is good medicine,” Proverbs 17:22.

A laugh a day really does help to keep the doctor away. So here is your chance to test the theory – have a good laugh and take some laughter medicine. 

  • Behind every great man is an amazed mother-in-law!
  • A man and his wife both reached the age of 50. The man prayed, “Lord, could you make my wife 30 years younger than me, please?” The Lord replied, “Are you sure?” “Yes, yes!” said the man. “OK,” said God, and the man suddenly found himself 80 years old.

Be careful what you pray for!

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